December 28, 2009

Passive Aggressive

New Year's always seems to be a time for moral dilemmas with parties and get together coming at you from every direction.

Usually I opt for staying at home and celebrating with a few close friends. I've done so for years now, so when people ask me to come out with them, I'll tell them that I'm just going to stay home. I don't leave people hanging and waiting for my answer.

I don' t like knowing that I'm someone's back-up plan if their "better" plans fall through. If you don't want to come over because you'd rather go to the bar or rowdy house party, tell me that. I really think it's rude when someone has told you they would come over but change their minds for something better in their eyes.

Other than people dicking around with decision making, I'm looking forward to having a nice little gathering at home. We're going to play boardgames and have drinks. It should be delightful :)

Do you have any plans for New Years? What are your thoughts on people who leave you hanging until the last minute or ditch you for better plans?

1 comment:

  1. We usually don't do much on NYE other than play board games and relax. I am usually ready for bed at midnight! Haha, I'm just not a fan of crowds or really busy nights at the bar so I avoid it like the plague on NYE!

    Hope you guys have a good New Years :)
