January 14, 2010

Just pondering ...

I've been thinking about switching over to Word Press, but I'm not 100% sure yet.

Basically, I'm looking for a few more options for my blog, like password protected posts and such. I'd like to transfer all my posts here to there, but I don't know if the hassle will be worth it.

I haven't had the time to research Word Press's system, so maybe I should do that first.

Has anyone out there made the switch from Blogger to Word Press? Was it easy?

1 comment:

  1. I switched from Typepad to Wordpress awhile back and didn't have any problems - it was really easy to transfer my archives over! The only thing was that I deleted my typepad acount, completely forgetting about all my pictures - so I had a ton of broken picutre links in my archives. As long as you don't delete your blogger account you should be fine :)
